
Guaranteed High Quality


Starch is an important ingredient in many food applications. Our food and pharma-grade starches are produced from organic potatoes, corn, waxy corn, and wheat. With our modern and environmentally sensitive production methods, and the use of only the best source materials, we guarantee high-quality starch products. They can provide thickening and binding, freeze-thaw stability, and much more.

Improve your products with these great ingredients…

Functional clean label starches represent alternatives to chemically modified starches. Due to physical treatment, clean label starches are able to perform similar to modified starches in regards to process stability, shelf-life stability, texture profile, etc. without application of any chemical process.

Product offerings include:

Native starch is the simplest starch product; it is a powder obtained from plants containing starch. It is ideal for use in applications where products are consumed directly after preparation, as well as special applications such as gluten-free bakery products. Simply: products where no storage or specific process stability is needed.

Product offerings include:

Our QUEMINA line of pre-gelatinized starches are hydrothermally treated starches of various source materials and have the capability to swell upon the addition of cold water.

Product offerings include:

Thin-boiling starch is a partially hydrolyzed starch product, providing low and uniform viscosity. It can be readily dispersed in water and is ideal for use in sauces and gravies, candies and jellies, and frozen food.

Product offerings include:

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